
Sunday 3 September 2017

Saavedra: Fatma assumes environmental licensing in Joinville

In a historic turn, the City of Joinville gave up the environmental licensing and passed the task to Fatma. The transfer, signed on Thursday by Mayor Udo Döhler and the foundation's chairman, Alexandre Waltrick, becomes effective from next Tuesday.

The Udo government believes in more speed in assessing the licenses because of Fatma's allegedly larger structure. The environmental stage consumes almost 90% of the time of the licensing, it is a lot. With the state body, it will be more agile. Our structure is small and can not be enlarged, "says the mayor of Joinville.

Today, the Secretariat of the Environment has around 600 processes in the environmental area under analysis. The personnel that today takes care of the environmental licensing will be displaced for management, coastal management, parks, among other subjects. Are they issues that are being overlooked because the secretariat has focused on licensing, "Udo claims. Florianópolis uses Fatma to issue environmental licenses, but studies the municipalization of licensing.

The other phases of project licensing, such as checking projects (Legal Program), will move to another office. Fatma considers positive change and promises to strengthen the personnel structure in Joinville. Will not be delayed in licensing, just have good projects ?, says President Alexander.

New renovation

The transfer of environmental licensing to Fatma will trigger a further reform in the Udo government, the fourth since its first term. The Secretariat of Environment, created three years ago in replacement of Fundema, will be maintained, with absorption of the Secretariat of Rural Development.

The licensing sector (outside the environmental area) and the inspection sector, now sheltered in the Environment, go to a structure to be created, the Urban Services Secretariat. The folder will also take care of the squares. The bill goes to the House in the coming weeks.

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